What is the internet?
Network: La Red
Computers: Computadoras
System: Sistema
Internet Protocol: Protocolo de internet
IP address: dirección IP
How it works
photograph: fotografia
web pages: Paginas Webs
email messages: Mensajes de correo electronico
Files: archivos
computer programs: Programas de computadora
interface : interfaz
applications: Aplications
Origins of the net
Packet Network : paquete de red
Global domination
users: usuarios
Web browsers: Navegadores Webs
How does the web work?
The web is a system for publishing pages of information on the internet
Click on the link
The web is based on the idea of ’hypertext
Web pages and web servers
The web server sends out pages when they are requested by a web browser
Increased sophistication
Today, many web pages are not written in advance
is an application used to view websites
Windows: Internet Explorer
Apple: Safari
other browser